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  2. Subscription Setup

How do I set up SMS subscription notifications?

With Smartrr, you have the option to engage your subscription customers via SMS with a Twilio account. SMS notifications can be used to let your customers know about their upcoming orders.

If you do not already have a Twilio account, you can use this link to get started. 


Once your Twilio account is ready, within the Smartrr app navigate to Customer Notifications under CONFIGURATION in the left-hand menu. 



From this page, you can click on Connect a Twilio Account to authorize your Twilio integration. Read more about integrating Smartrr with Twilio here.


From this page, you can click on Connect a Twilio Account to authorize your Twilio integration. Read more about integrating Smartrr with Twilio here.


We also have the option to connect with other SMS partners besides Twilio. Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager for more information about available app partners. You can also visit our Tech Partners page for the most up-to-date information on integrations with SMS apps.