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How do I set up email subscription notifications?

Keep your customers in the know about their upcoming subscription orders with customizable email notifications.


Note—if you prefer to send subscription order notifications via your existing ESP, read more about our integrations with Klaviyo and Mailchimp. You can also visit our Tech Partners page to stay up-to-date integrations with email platforms. 


Within the Smartrr app, navigate to Customer Notifications under CONFIGURATION in the left-hand menu. 



Once in the Email Notifications tab, you have a variety of options to customize a series of notification touchpoints.

Emails can be toggled on and off to fit the needs of your store. HTML can be used to customize the wording and branding of your emails. 

You are able to send email notifications based on specific billing events. The available email notifications are: 

  • New Subscription Created – New Customer – Sent when a new subscription order is created for a customer who does not have a customer account
  • New Subscription Created – Existing Customer – Sent when a new subscription order is created for a customer who already has a customer account
  • Subscription Payment Failed – Sent when a payment method for a subscription fails, prompting customer to update payment method
  • Subscription Cancelled – Sent when a subscription order has been cancelled
  • Upcoming Subscription – Sent 3 days in advance of a recurring subscription order being placed.
  • Gifted Subscription – Created Notification – Sent to gifter as confirmation that a subscription gift has been scheduled
  • Gifted Subscription - Shipping Notification – Sent when a gifted subscription order has been shipped.

Within the content of these emails, we provide a variety of event variables that can be used across all email templates in the Email Triggers tab. The syntax for accessing and manipulating variables follows the rules of the Lodash template function.

subscription id - Shopify subscription ID

nextBillingDate - next billing date, formatted as ISO 8601 string

currency - subscription currency

totalEstimatedNet - total estimated price of subscription, formatted per currency

totalDiscount - total amount of discounts applied to the subscription, formatted per currency

totalFromLineItems - total from subscription line items, formatted per currency

totalLineItemsDiscount - total discount applied to line items, formatted per currency

totalShipping - total shipping price of subscription, formatted per currency

totalShippingDiscount - total discount applied to shipping price, formatted per currency

lines (array)

id - Shopify subscription line ID

basePrice - line base price, formatted per line currency

isAddOn - whether line is an addon

priceAfterDiscounts - subscription price after discounts are applied, formatted per line currency

quantity - line quantity

product id - Shopify product ID

name - product name

variantid - Shopify variant ID

name - variant name


id - Shopify customer ID

firstName - customer first name

lastName - customer last name

email - customer email

phone - customer phone number

In addition to the, gifting-specific templates have the following variables: 

note - gift note















firstName - sender's first name

lastName - sender's last name

The ‘Gift Created Email’ template also has access to a shippedOn variable.