Prepaid subscriptions allow your customers to pay for their recurring subscription deliveries upfront.
Brands typically use Smartrr’s prepaid subscription feature when they want to incentivise their customers to pay upfront for a set number of subscription deliveries. The most common use case is to offer a percentage discount to a customer for prepaying annually on monthly subscription deliveries.
Another common use case for prepaid subscriptions is when a gifter would like to give a giftee a recurring subscription with all expenses paid upfront for a certain period of time.
To offer a prepaid subscription within Smartrr, you’ll need to amend the billing schedule for one of your Subscription Plans under Subscription Programs.
Within the Smartrr app, navigate to Subscription Programs under CONFIGURATION in the left-hand menu and click on ‘Manage Program’.
Once you’re inside your Subscription Plan, you can create a prepaid offering by changing the
Option Label, Cart & Checkout Labels, Billing Schedule, and Prepaid Delivery Schedule:
In the example above, we are creating an option that will display “Prepay & Save” on the product detail page. This option will charge customers upfront for 12 months of deliveries, and the delivery cadence will be every 1 month. By setting the Plan Discount to 10%, we are offering a 10% discount incentive to customers who opt to Prepay & Save.